Optimized Scheduling in Film Manager
Programming Policies are now visible in app.cinemaintelligence.com
Programming Policies allow to set requirements for:
Matinee / Evening
Time Blocks
Time Range
Specific Times
Programming Policies are visible in app.cinemaintelligence.com
You can view all policies defined for your account directly at https://app.cinemaintelligence.com/bookingpolicies . Once a policy is created in Vista Film Programming, the same policy must be defined in the app, so it can be understood by the Optimized Scheduling algorithm. You can review the existing policies and ask for changes in case they are not properly configured.
Note: By default, the policies are not visible, so we encourage you to open a request to have this option enabled.
Important! Programming Policies created in Vista are not automatically translated to Optimized Scheduling and there are differences in the way they are set-up. Contact Customer Support for more details.
Fresh design and new options for Programming Policies
Besides minimum or exact number of sessions per day, new options are available for programming requirements when configuring a policy :
Matinee / Evening - set minimum number of sessions for the selected interval. If matinees / evenings are not configured, this section will not be displayed.
Time blocks - set minimum number of sessions for the selected time block. If time blocks are not configured, this section will not be displayed.
Time Range - You can input one value corresponding to a time format, the display will be in the format hh:mm.
Specific Times - You can input multiple values corresponding to a time format, the display will be in the format hh:mm. Specific times should always be included in Time Range, if these are configured.
To define Matinee, Evening or Time blocks, go to https://api.cinemaintelligence.com - Programming - Booking Policies - Settings.