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What's New - April 2017
What's New - April 2017
Laura Bercan avatar
Written by Laura Bercan
Updated over 3 years ago

Our team has been hard at work improving the product to deliver some awesome functionality based on your feedback! This page documents all of the new features, enhancements, and visible changes included in the latest Cinema Intelligence release.

Questions, comments or feedback? Please contact us at :)

Update Overview by Module

  • Improved transition between programming weeks

  • Trailer, cleaning time and intermission can now be imported from VISTA

  • Introduction of schedule performance management

  • Ability to display admissions in short movie list (new setting)

  • Distributor can now be imported from Dolphin (Coming Soon import)

  • Info tab now displays forecasted admissions and occupancy

  • Gross box office revenue is now included in film database

  • Films with multiple formats are grouped to one parent film

  • Default film length is available

  • Cinema Manager dashboard extended to include forecast at the time-slot level

  • User interface enhancements

  • Cancelled events are displayed

  • Non-final events are imported into the scheduler

  • Event overview contains new fields

  • Events offer contains organizer name and email

  • New user role: "Organizer"

  • VAT value is now included for priced items

Scheduling Module

Improved transition between programming weeks

On older Cinema Imtellligence versions, the programming week used to change on the last day of the previous week. For example, if the first programming day is Thursday, we used to display the new current programming week on Friday 00:01. This changes on this version, the new programming week will be changed on the same day the previous week ended.

Regardless of your time zone you have setup on your computer, the week changes at 00:00 UTC.

The scheduling engine will schedule only new movies on the first day of the week (No admission/profit data available for holdovers).

Trailer, cleaning time and intermission can now be imported from VISTA

For regular shows, we will import from Vista into Cinema Intelligence the cleaning time, trailer and intermission. For events we haven’t changed anything yet; an event’s total length consists of the trailer, intermission, feature time and cleaning time.

The pre-booked shows will remain unaltered, Cinema Intelligence will not add its own trailer time, intermission or cleaning time. This means that if you add a movie next to its own pre-booked copy (same format, print number and the same time slot) you will see differences in the trailer/intermission/cleaning times. The changes apply to each session. Custom settings for trailer/intermission/cleaning times from the expanded movie list will not apply to pre-booked shows.

After each import from Vista into Cinema Intelligence, each session will be imported again with the showtimes from VISTA.

Introduction of schedule performance management

This feature is meant to give you a better overview over the Schedule.

You can track the current schedule performance against a reference schedule. Reference schedule will be the last generated schedule. We hope it will allow better quantification of CI business benefits.

Schedule status bar is extended with last generated, current and delta. Current schedule and delta will be recalculated after each change (drag and drop, deletion or session move).

The Forecast is calculated for each session in the schedule. Performance monitor will display profit if enabled and admission if the profit is not available.

Ability to display admissions in short movie list (new setting)

If profit is enabled, from the User Details you can make also the admissions column visible in Film List.

Distributor can now be imported from Dolphin (Coming Soon import)

We've updated the Coming Soon import into Cinema Intelligence for Booking and Forecasting modules. For the Dolphin ticketing system we import the Distributor information.

Info tab now displays forecasted admissions and occupancy

The Forecasted visitors have been added to the Schedule, in the Info menu. Forecasted visitors are calculated based on the same rules as in the schedule performance monitor and Print report

Rules for calculating forecasted visitors:

  • For new releases, we are using the Forecasting module admits by splitting them down to day and timeslot level.

  • New Pre-booked shows or locked shows will have the same calculation (only if they have forecast).

  • Locked show, pre-booked and generate from old movies are calculated only if they played at least one time on the reference day.

  • Events: expected number of visitors.

  • For holdovers we will consider as expected admits the actual admits last week with the drop set in Constraints (default: -30%).

  • If holdover is defined as children film, the default drop for children films will be used.

  • Movies that are downgraded from the timeslot they played last week, we will use the time slot distribution to see the difference between the timeslot where the movie played and the time slot where it was programmed.

Film Database

Gross box office revenue is now included in film database

  • Starting this version the actual gross box office will be displayed in film database and was in the excel report, no data processing is done.

Films with multiple formats are grouped to one parent film

  • In Film Database, under the Release information tab we included all account movies and formats.

Default film length is available

This feature applies to Vista, Compeso and Dolphin ticketing Systems. Sometimes, at daily movie imports, we do not receive the length for all movies. In this situation Cinema Intelligence will set a default length of 120 minutes until another value is received.

Forecasting module

Cinema Manager dashboard extended to include forecast at the time-slot level

We've extended the Cinema manager dashboard so the time-slot distribution of admission will be populated on the daily import. Example: If the Schedules are created on Monday, the theatre manager will be able to see forecasts on time slot level on Tuesday. The chart will be set as default on day level; drill down to go to the time slot level.

Small UI changes

We did a few graphical changes in this version:

  • Forecast table + Film database table UI alignment: all the data from the Forecast table and Film Database is aligned to the right now.

  • The short movie list will always appear on small screen resolutions.

  • Changed 'Admissions" to "Admits".

  • Made the mandatory fields more visible in the events module.

Events Module

Display canceled events

On this new version of Cinema Intelligence we've added many features to the Events module.

There is a new status - "Canceled" which was added to all events.

Canceled events are displayed as red, and all the events that have this state will be removed from the scheduling module. The search on event status was updated with the new state. When an event is saved as Canceled a warning message will be displayed to be sure you don't cancel it by mistake.

You can also search by status Canceled.

The color and format was changed a bit, in the Film Week Overview and Cinema Week Overview we will use the following color-coding:

  • A yellow triangle for events with Draft state

  • A green bullet for events with Pending and Final state

  • A red square for events with Canceled state

Events enhancement - import non-final events in Scheduler

Another new feature on this module is the transfer of the events with ‘Pending’ and ‘Final’ states to the Scheduling module.

New fields in Event overview

We added the following two new details to the first event overview:

  • Event type

  • Film name, if event has a film added as screening

Events offer contains organizer name and email

The organizer name is now visible in the offer and we added two new keywords to the events offer:

  • Organizer name (#OrganizerName)

  • Organizer email (#OrganizerEmail)

In the Events module, we updated the Organizer email and replaced it with first + last name.

New User Role: "Reviewer"

We've added a new role called "reviewer". Any user with this role can perform the following actions in the Events module:

  • search in the events module

  • see all events that fulfill the search conditions

  • use "group by cinema"

  • navigate through the months

  • generate report

  • access the calendar view

  • Not be able to generate offer

  • Not be able to duplicate event

  • Not be able to add new events

In the quick-view of the event, reviewers will have a button called "View", instead of the "Edit" event. The same button should be visible in the Calendar View - Event Details

The "View" page of the event will be similar to the "Edit" page, except Event state cannot be changed (read-only) and all event fields are also read-only. Attachments can be downloadable from the view page and the week overview and other releases information is displayed here as well.

The theatre manager role also has the reviewer rights in the Events module.

VAT value is now included for the priced items

Starting this version, Cinema Intelligence allows users to define a different VAT value for every price in the Events module, Financial Details section. The default VAT is 21% but if you want to change the value please ask your support agent. In the Events Module, Financial Details section, the VAT is defined for each tpe of price and automatically loaded. You can alos add a new VAT for a specific event.

The Total section displays the following:

- Total amount without VAT

- total VAT for prices with VAT option 1

- total VAT for prices with VAT option 2 (if manually changed).

- the grand total including the above VAT values.

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