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Stop a Film 
Laura Bercan avatar
Written by Laura Bercan
Updated over 3 years ago

There are several places to stop a film or an event to prevent it from being a part of the generated schedule.

To stop a film from playing on a specific day:

For the selected cinema, navigate to the Expand Film List and select the film that needs to be stopped.

Select the Scheduling Constraints tab on the upper right-hand panel. Disable Play on the grid.

Stop a Film From Playing All Together:

For the selected cinema, navigate to the Expand Film List and select the film that needs to be stopped.

Select the Film Settings tab on the upper right-hand panel. Disable Playing.


For the selected cinema, navigate to the Scheduling View page. Right-click on the desired film in the short film list and select state-->stop.

If the film is on the grid, a user can right-click on it and select state-->stop.

Once the schedule is regenerated, the film will not appear on the grid.

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