User details allows users to change their password, customize preferences for the Cinema Intelligence application, as well as specify default settings for the Scheduling module.
To view User Details, select the Welcome icon on the lower left-hand corner of the application, then select Details.
Once Details is selected, a pop-up window will appear.
Change Password:
Select Change Password. The popup window will extend to reveal the password options.
Other User Preferences:
There are several other application preferences that can be updated in User Details.
The user can update their Profile Picture by selecting Change Profile Picture.
The user can update their first and last name.
The user can change their time zone by selecting the appropriate time zone from the drop-down menu.
The user can update their language by selecting a language from the drop-down menu.
Specify Default Settings:
The user can change several of the default settings for the Schedule View page:
Sort Movie List: Change the default setting for the Short Film List (located to the right of the grid) to sort films by their corresponding forecasted day admit numbers (for example, if working on a schedule for Thursday, the list will sort by Thursday’s forecasted numbers) or forecasted weekend admit numbers (the list will sort by the forecasted total weekend numbers).
Sort Auditoriums: Change the default sorting of Auditoriums by Capacity or Name.
The user can enable Weekend Numbers in the Short Film List. This will add an additional column with forecasted Weekend admit numbers.
The user can enable an additional grid on the Scheduling View page. The red lines detail when each film starts and stops to better visualize busier and slower timeslots.
Make sure to save all changes.