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Events Report
Laura Bercan avatar
Written by Laura Bercan
Updated over 3 years ago

This article will explain how to create an Events Report.

In the Events module, Click the Generate Report button, this will automatically create an excel table containing all the events scheduled for entire year.

The excel file can be saved on the computer and also edited.

This contains three sheets: 1. a Cover page, 2. Booked Events and 3. Old Booked Events

  1. On the Cover page, in the left upper corner the cinema’s logo can be found and on the middle side the Cinema Intelligence logo, the title of the report (Events Report), the Client name and the Export Day ( the day when the report was created).

2. The Booked Events sheet is organized in Play week, Date, Start of the event, Duration, Theatre, Auditorium, Name, Client Name and Notes.

Evens play between Play week and Date at the exact specified hours mentioned at Start of the event, for x number of minutes found in Duration. The where is specified in Theatre, to know in which theater will be, Auditorium, to see the exact room. Not in the end in the Name section the event name can be found followed by the theater name and the auditorium. The Client Name and Notes are not filled.

3. The Old Booked Events sheet has the same structure as the New Bookings sheet, but contains older movies from all the past years.

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