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Film Week Overview
Laura Bercan avatar
Written by Laura Bercan
Updated over 3 years ago

This article will explain how booking information is displayed and how film week level reports are generated.

This section of the Booking Module gives you an overview of the bookings status per movie grouped by opening week.

The overview is available for all the movies with release date within next 90 days, grouped per week.

  • Each movie is listed with all available formats and all existing copies.

  • The booked movies are marked with one of the three symbols: Green Circle, Yellow Triangle and Red Square, depending on the booking status.

  • Every month/week can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the section tab. Clicking on the name of the film will open the booking page for that film.

  • The whole film week overview can be collected in one Excel document by pressing the Generate Report button.


All on-screen reporting can be exported in Excel for easy distribution and overview. Just click Generate Report for each theater to download the Excel.

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