Visual Features
A drill down into a visual is meant to reveal additional information. Hovering over a visualization will show you if you have a drill or not
1. To enable a drilldown, select the down pointing arrow in the top right corner of your visual. When it turns dark, it is enabled. If you don’t turn on a drill, selecting a visual element will cross-filter the other charts on the report page. Another way to drill down is to right click on the element in the visual that you want to drill into and select ‘drill down’.
2. With the drilldown still enabled, you can drill down one field at a time, by clicking on one of the elements in your visualisation (if it’s a bar chart, then you would be clicking on a bar). You’d be shown another level of information, depending on the drilldown criteria chosen. To drill back up, select the Drill Up icon in the top left corner of the visualization (or right click on the visual and select drill up).
3. To drill down all fields at once, select the double arrow in the top left corner of the visualization or right click on the visual and select ‘show next level’.
4. Another interaction you can have with a visual is Expand All Down One Level in the Hierarchy (unified arrows icon). This will result in a visual containing a combination of data both from the first and the second level of drilldown. You can obtain the same behaviour by right clicking on the visual and select Expand to next level.
Another important feature is the focus mode (the icon is a rectangle and an arrow pointing the upper right corner), which allows you to expand a report visual to see more detail.
A click on the horizontal ellipsis will pop-up a GUI that allows you to sort and export your data.
You would find both on the upper right corner of your visual.
Weekly admissions, forecast and budget and Weekly Admissions and forecast visuals have a drill down option.
Reporting period
The reporting period is one financial year. Both the reporting period and the current week are displayed as information on top right corner of the report.
Main filters of the report
The information in the report can be filtered by Week Number, Cinema and Title. The week is the Cinema Week.
Weekly admissions, forecast and budget visual
Actual: Total admissions for the respective week
Forecast: Total forecast, for the respective week, for the theatres where the movies are/were booked. For the movies not booked, total forecast is displayed.
Budget: Total budget for the respective week
Right click on a week-> drill down will show info at a cinema level for that week. See data will display the data in table format.
Cinema Name visual
It allows the selection of the cinema names in the chain. If nothing is selected, then the information pertaining to all cinemas is displayed.
Title visual
It allows the selection of the movie titles. If nothing is selected, then the information pertaining to all movies is displayed.
Performance against budget visual
Actual: Cumulative admissions for current year to date
Forecast: Cumulative forecast for current year to date
Budget: Cumulative budget for current year to date
Actual vs. Budget: Percentage of performance over or below the budget = (Actual-Budget)/budget
Actual vs. Forecast: Percentage of performance over or below the forecast = (Actual-Forecast)/Forecast
Movies visual
Release Date: the date when a movie is set to be released
Title: The movie title
Forecasted: Yes or No if a movie has a forecast set in the Forecasting module of CI
Booked: Yes or No if a movie is under ‘Yes’, it means either the movie has a booking made or is in schedule
Actual: Actual admissions for that specific movie
Forecast: Forecasted admissions for that specific movie
Weekly admissions and forecast visual
It shows the same information as the weekly admissions and budget visual, except for the budget and the drill down option, which will show the lifetime of a movie when a Title is selected in the Title visual.
Actual: Total admissions by week for the lifetime of the movie
Forecast: Forecast by week for the lifetime of the movie
Right click on a week -> drill down will display all cinemas where the movie was booked for that specific week, with their respective forecasted admissions.
Admissions vs Forecast per Movie
Displays only the movies that have both forecasted and actual admissions and their respective difference. The information is cumulative.
Weather Visual
It displays the weather for the selected period, depending on cinema name and week, if filtered. We only display weather for 10 future days.
Important overall considerations
Changes from the forecasting module are visible only the next day in the rolling forecast report.
Changes made in the Bookings module influence the forecast information that you see in the report and the changes are visible the following day.
The forecasting module will still show the forecast for all the locations, however, the report will show the forecast only for the locations where the movie was booked or the forecast for all locations if the movie was not booked.