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Cinema Intelligence response to COVID-19 enables creation of an annual budget through an automated, intelligent process

Laura Bercan avatar
Written by Laura Bercan
Updated over a week ago

Note: To become an early adopter, please contact your Customer Success Manager. 

AI-powered Budgeting will quickly consolidate and analyze your cinema historical data and the impact of social distancing regulations to predict budget scenarios. Save time and focus on conversations about how your budget will support your business and boost moviegoers confidence.

Business value

Exhibitors increasingly find it beneficial to generate budgets more often than annually. However, creating a new budget typically requires a significant investment in time and energy. Budgeting enables creation of an annual budget, along with periodic forecasts through an automated, intelligent process.


The Budgeting feature lets you create a draft Box Office budget automatically, but with a high degree of confidence from the use of historical data, known film releases forecasts and constantly changing market conditions.

The Preview release will enable you to:

  • Understand revenue opportunities for the remainder of 2020

  • Forecast impact of film release schedule changes on future revenue

  • Model social distancing regulations and their impact

  • Run "what-if" scenarios for your budget

  • Get up and running quick with a fully-hosted solution, integrated with your cinema software

How it works

Pre-requisites for the best budgeting experience:

· Forecast as many films as possible with a release date in the budgeting period. If you are using Film Manager, go to Explore – Release Schedule – Upcoming – select the film – Forecasting tab.

· Check if any film forecasts are out-of-date because the release date changed from the previous budgeting exercise. To discover the out-of-date film forecasts, go to – Analytics – Forecasting dashboard – Rolling data report – Performance Overview table. For these films, go to Forecasting and click Generate to get an updated forecast.

  1. Open and click Budgeting from the left menu. By default, latest budget conditions are displayed on screen.

  2. Click Add new scenario, insert a name and Save. Click Cancel if you changed your mind and want to go back to the previous scenario.

  3. Click Add stage to create one or multiple time periods for budget generation. Multiple periods can be created, each period with different conditions. Select which cinemas will be open for each stage.

  4. Manage cinema conditions for each stage, by selecting one or multiple open cinemas and applying settings. If some settings are left blank, the existing saved cinema settings from Settings - Scheduling will apply.

  5. Optional: Expand Step 4: review conditions to verify settings per cinema for each stage. You’re able to update settings by going back to the previous step.

  6. Click Generate budget button. You will receive an on-screen message informing you about the status of the generation and the estimated duration.

  7. You can cancel the generation by selecting Abort and confirming the action.

  8. You will receive an e-mail when the budget proposal is ready and a link to access the report.

9. Open and click Analytics from the left menu - Budgeting. Check the Last refresh time in the upper left corner. If this time is later than the moment you received the e-mail, you are viewing your latest generated budget scenario. Otherwise, please wait until 15min past the hour to get the latest scenario view. Note: Your last generated scenario will be visible as “Latest scenario” in the Scenario filter.

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