More and more films are released mid-week. We've made some improvements behind-the-scenes to display week 0 (zero) forecast for these films.
Film Services
The Past Weekend Analysis Dashboard received a well-deserved facelift and we are happy to bring even more insights than before. On top of the cake, Thursday previews are now included in exhibitor numbers. Hurrah!
Other main indicators were added to the mix for a quick weekend overview. They are grouped by Market Share, Domestic Box Office and Exhibitor Box Office. You have the change from the previous weekend and change compared to the same weekend last year right on the main page.
Weekend Occupancy Overview page also received some updates, check out the fresh new look. The main view is restricted to display main indicators by film and by day. If you would like to uncover more details, an Extended view is available by enabling it from the filter with the same name in the upper part of the page.
Visualize existing trends for weekend Box Office and Market Share across any period of time in the new page of the Market Share Analysis Dashboard. Uncover the best 5 films and the best cinemas across the circuit.
Cinema Intelligence integration with Vista's Film Manager
Cinema Intelligence Forecasting and Scheduling are now fully complementary with Vista Cinema’s new browser-based film programming application Film Manager. Drive booking and scheduling decisions based on forecast and advanced analytics surfaced directly in Film Manager.
Are you interested to know more and plan your transition to a seamless and integrated user experience? Contact your Customer Success Manager today.
Exporting Events directly into Compeso for any future week
We are excited to announce that sessions created under Events can now be directly exported into Compeso with just a click of a button.
Attendance Forecasting
Optimize your staff schedule using cinema predicted timeslot level performance delivered though an Excel Online (Office 365) add-in. Learn more about how this works in the dedicated article about Getting Started with Attendance Forecast
Would you like to take this feature for a spin? Contact your Customer Success Manager today.